Coaching Packages
Whether you're just beginning, seeking a tune-up, or aiming to sustain your thriving journey, I've got you covered with customized coaching packages tailored to your specific needs!
Perfect for the person looking to begin thier journey!
Don't settle for just breezing through the test and glancing at the results – let's kick it up a notch! Dive into the excitement with me during seven one-hour coaching sessions. It's not just about the report; it's about the adventure of unlocking the secrets of your strengths for a more intentional and fulfilling life! Ready for the ride of a lifetime? Let's make it happen!
You’ve completed your Discovery Coaching, had a few Tune-Up sessions but want to go even deeper into thriving - This one’s for you!
You've aced the discovery package, fine-tuned with a couple of awesome sessions, and now you're craving the next level of thriving. Your time is an investment, and you're hungry for more – I love that energy! Let's crank up the enthusiasm and dive even deeper into the specific areas you're itching to enhance. Let’s do this!
Couples Coaching
Blending two lives into one is a blast, but let's be real – it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Fantastic marriages aren't built by just coasting along; they're crafted with intention. Your marriage is your ultimate team, and we're about to turn it into a powerhouse! Grab both your results, and let's begin a journey of utilizing a Strengths-based approach to helping your team succeed!